What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

SERVPRO of Statesboro has done quite a bit of work for us...from cleaning seats of truck, chairs and antique oriental rugs, to a piece of needlepoint! They are courteous, appreciative of your business, and so conscientious in doing a superb job. Seriously, I wouldn’t think of using anyone else. In the future, I WILL drive my things 3 hours just to use them!!

The technician was very professional and helpful.

"A beautiful job"

SERVPRO provided excellent service and everyone was very helpful and respectful. I highly recommend SERVPRO of Statesboro. 

SERVPRO cleaned some rugs for me and I was thrilled with the outcome. Everyone there is so friendly.

SERVPRO cleaned my carpet and some upholstery and I was very satisfied with the outcome. Everyone was very respectful.

"Peggy, Larry is just leaving and I just wanted to tell you what a great job he did. My carpet looks new and I couldn't have asked for a nicer, more pleasant person than he is. What a blessing he must be as an employee. Fantastic job!


"I want SERVPRO to know that I never expected to receive such superior service. The brick floor was worked on for hours until almost perfection, it is beautiful. And I was told by another company that quoted us on cleaning the carpet, that even when it was cleaned, it would still have the dark spots created by heavy traffic. But, that is not true. The carpet was cleaned with the same perfection and skill as the brick floor. I truly appreciate the hard work and dedication of your staff."

"I have yet to work with a group of people that are as dedicated as the SERVPRO of Statesboro staff."